Sunday, August 30, 2015

War Room

I went to see the movie "War Room" with two of my dearest friends this afternoon.  It's the kind of movie that leaves you thinking the rest of the day.

Priscilla Shirer is a gifted Bible teacher that I've learned so much from over the past several years.  She stars as one of the main characters, Elizabeth.  Her marriage is on "the rocks" when she meets her newest client Miss Clara who teaches her the power of prayer.  I want a copy of the script so I can write down many of the quotes from Miss Clara.  Oh how I want to be that kind of woman NOW - whose relationship with Jesus is evident in every area of her life.

These are a few nuggets I want to remember:

1.   When in a relationship crisis, don't try to fix the other person.  Concentrate on my own heart before the Lord and deal with my own sin, anger, unforgiveness, and hurt.

2.  There is NO room for doubt when I pray.  James 1:8

3.  Forgiving doesn't mean you are a "push over."  It means you are taking the harder road but the only one that offers peace.

4.  Listen to my kids - really listen.  I can't get these moments back.  I want them to be in my life forever & that starts with the way I love them now.

5.  Praying out loud is POWERFUL.  I practice this in my car often when I'm alone.  I need to do it more.

6.  In one scene Priscilla (Elizabeth) receives a text from a friend that could have put her in a panic.  Instead of panicking or texting back, she prays.  She prays out loud and with boldness and conviction.  It works!

7.  Don't pass up a chance to mentor someone God puts in my life.  My past mistakes, choices, and lessons need to be put to good use for the Kingdom.

8.  Listen to those wiser and further along in their walk than me.  Don't be prideful or distracted and miss a chance to grow in Christ.

9.  Carve out time to write scripture each day.  And hand write prayers to Jesus.  The written word has power.  Create a War Room where I can meet with God.

10.  Lord, I don't want to be lukewarm.  I want to be on fire for you.  Make me a warrior for Your Kingdom.

If you see the movie, comment and let me know what you took away!

praying I am bolder for Him -