Monday, February 25, 2013

13.1 Training: 10 Miles

So, I haven't checked in lately with an update on my little running drama.  I've been a foam-rolling, stretching, icing maniac for the last few weeks.  Thankfully, I've been able to maintain 3-4 mile runs and I successfully did a longer 6.5 mile run last weekend.  I was thrilled I had no pain anywhere, other than a mildly achy knee, and felt a little more optimistic after that run.

But today, is my crowning achievement so far.  10 miles!  Can I just say holy crap!  That was my reaction when I finished my run and saw those double digits on my phone!  People, don't ever let anyone make you think you can't do something!  (Well, besides doctors & listening to your body, of course)  Because you are capable of beyond what you could ever imagine!
Because I am a documenting dork, here I am all suited up and ready to run

Monday, February 18, 2013

Farmer's Market Quinoa Skillet

I found a fun, new Quinoa recipe.  You can use whatever fresh veggies you like, which allows you to have different variations of this recipe.  I can already think of a few combinations I'd like to try.

Friday, February 15, 2013

13.1 Training: Working Out the Growing Pains

I saw the sports medicine doc this week.  If you recall, I've been having some consistent aches & pains since my last long run, 8 miles, almost two weekends ago.  I've been icing, Advil-ing, and stretching.  I've been listening to my body and sticking to short 3-4 mile runs.  Sports medicine doc was amazing!  Super thorough and knowledgeable.

The Good: nothing super serious (as long as I follow doctor's orders and don't too anything too crazy); doc thinks I can likely still run the race
The Bad:  I will not be able to train as adequately as I need to for 13.1
The Ugly:  I need to lower my expectations

Friday, February 8, 2013

13.1 Training: 8 Mile Growing Pains

It's been a rocky week since my 8 mile run.  Because I want to document the road to 13.1, it's all going to show up here.  The good and the bad.  Because life's not as fabulously perfect as it appears on Facebook, Pinterest... (more on that later, and my thoughts after taking a fabulous week hiatus from social media).

The day after my 8 mile run, my feet and knees felt battered, unlike they've ever felt before.  Maybe rightfully so.  Soon after, my low back started bothering me.  I have learned enough about my body to know what's good pain and what's bad pain.  To me, these aches were telling me to rest.  No running on Sunday.  I was improved, but not perfect on Monday.  I usually aim for 3 miles on Mondays, but instead tried 2, slow and easy.  Didn't notice anything too obnoxious while running, but the knee and hip/low back soreness (feels more joint-like than muscular) flared up again soon after.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lessons from 13.1 training: 8 miles

This weekend I ran 8 miles.  I ran EIGHT FREAKIN MILES!  Yes, I needed to YELL that out loud one good time!  Twenty four hours later, I was still feeling the runner's high.  I am so proud of myself it's ridiculous.  I'm allowed to be proud.  And in awe.  I was the girl that hated P.E. in school.  I hated running even more.  I'm not that girl anymore!  I LOVE to run.  There is nothing like the satisfaction it brings.   

When we met at 8am on Saturday to run, it was 19 degrees.  Brrrrrr.  Fortunately, the body warms up fast.  In many ways, the run felt easier because it was flat compared to last weekend's hilly run.  When I finished the run, I was having trouble getting my mouth to move when I was talking.  I think my lips were frozen!  Oh the joys of training in winter.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites

I saw this recipe in the January/February 2013 "Clean Eating Magazine" and tore it out.  I was SO hoping it was online so I could just post the link.  I can't find it, so away I type.

If you are looking for something sweet this Valentine's Day, these are pretty easy to make and bite size.  It's even fun to get your kids involved.  My girls helped roll them into bite size balls for the freezer.  Of course I tweaked the recipe a little too ;).

Happy Valentine's Day and all things sweet (from the earth)-

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Food Revolution Day

Jamie Oliver's Global Food Revolution Day is May 17, 2013!  Joelle Gillooly, Food Revolution NC Team Leader/Ambassador would like to invite everyone to join her at the local Whole Foods Markets and Farmers Markets on this day to promote better Food Education & Real Food!

If you are interested in being part of this day by planning an event or volunteering your time, please contact Joelle at (919-219-0391).