Sunday, January 5, 2014


I am not quite sure how in all our reading about food, LeAnne and I have never heard this term before, but our friend Joelle (who happens to be the Whole Foods Cary Healthy Eating Specialist!) dropped this on us at a meeting today.  G-BOMBS.

G-BOMBS:  Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds - the most nutrient dense, health promoting, cancer preventative foods on the planet.  Cool, right!  We should be eating these foods every day and they should make up a large portion of our diet.

Read more from Dr Fuhrman at:


1 comment:

  1. beans and greens, greens and beans... we have a book our kids used to love that had a 'poor' family who only had that to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. i could live on that! looking forward to a clean eating challenge in the near future...
