Since I can remember, I have always been a girl on the go. My parents used to joke (they still do)
that I am happiest when I am out and about in the world enjoying life with
others! At age 7, I was off
visiting family friends for an entire week and cried when I had to come
home. Needless to say, this carried
over into my adulthood - already
this year I’ve been out of town 7 times!
When I really started eating more conscientiously (plant based & close to nature) last year,
this was by far the hardest part of my journey! I am the queen of lunch dates, ladies night outs, and dates
with my husband. I loved good
food, even healthy food, but taking the time to read labels, plan out my grocery
list, and actually cook most of our meals was VERY overwhelming at first. I had a love of Dinner Affair where you
could make your meals for a month and put them in the freezer. I would go to three different Harris
Teeter grocery stores to rack up on triple coupon deals. This new way of eating really pushed me
out of my comfort zone. It required me to trade in my freezer
meals for fresh produce and put aside the mentality that a deal was worth more
than my health.