Dawn's summer reading...
1. On The Island This was my first read of the summer and probably my favorite! Such a unique story line. I loved seeing how these two characters stranded on a deserted island used their resources to survive.
2. One Thousand Gifts Beautifully inspirational book about thankfulness. "When I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me."
3. 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess Wow. We both read this book. Rocked. our. world. Jenn takes 7 months to address 7 different areas of her life she feels are too filled with distractions. Her journey will have you laughing one page and searching your soul the next!
4. Gone Girl Hot, hot, hot! Crazy incredible story! If you enjoy mysteries, this is for you! Wild plot twists and turns. Loved it!
5. Escape From the World Trade Center I purchased this when it was free for Kindle one day. If you don't want to cry or relive the tragedy, this may not be for you. It broke my heart getting a personal glimpse into the day. But the treasure of the book was experiencing this walk with someone of great faith. And getting a glimpse into hundreds of acts of kindness and sacrifice from one stranger to another on that day.
6. Wild This is the story of a young woman who, in response to feeling stuck headed in the wrong direction in life, decides to hike the Pacific Coast Trail. This book was so refreshing! It left me wanting to do something wild and crazy, like hike in solitude. Or at the very least, prioritize a day or short getaway alone with nothing other than me, God and nature.
7. Be Quiet and Say Something This eBook is a little jewel. And a quick, easy read. We shared a little bit about the book already, in our Where Have We Been? post.
8. Unglued Lysa TerKeurst's new book. What's not to love about Lysa TerKeurst! She is one of my absolute favorite Christian author/speakers. She is transparent, honest, inspiring, and God has gifted her with knowing how to connect to a woman's/mom's heart. I relate to almost everything she writes. Unglued was like a great therapy session!
LeAnne's summer reading...
1. Parenting with Love & Logic - When my two girls were babies, I read many "how to books" on parenting and raising an infant and toddler. Now that they are 6 & 4, my husband and I are looking for ways to parent effectively. Bentley & I meet over coffee once a week to discuss several chapters at a time. We are still reading and enjoy what we are learning and hope to put into practice!
2. Kisses from Katie - This is the story of a Katie, a high school graduate who enters the mission field of Uganda instead of pursing a college degree. While living there she has adopted 13 Ugandan girls. She not only opens our eyes to the people of Uganda, but her words & raw emotions will challenge you to be the "hands and feet of Jesus" in your own community.
3. Hinds' Feet On High Places - Much Afraid, the main character in the book, is on a journey to the High Places where her Shepherd has promised a love like no other she has known. The book is an allegory for our own lives when we come to realize our full need for a Savior and our journey to fully accept His grace and love. The road to the High Places is filled with Much Afraid's enemies, as well as, her insecurities and fears. It is a beautiful story of the life given if we trust our Shepherd on the journey.
4. Becoming Odyssa - My man has always mentioned hiking the Appalachian Trail some day in retirement. I've honestly always rolled my eyes and said, "I'll be staying in the hotel near by." After reading Jennifer's tail of her first hike of the Appalachian trail, I am now VERY intrigued. After college, Jennifer decides to embark on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to hike the AT alone! The people, nature, and situations she encounters along the way will have you thinking about the adventures you wish to embark on in your own life!
5. Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller writes from experience. The book is almost written in an essay format and consists of chapters about his life and his relationships. He gives his thoughts on social issues as they relate to Christianity. I found it very interesting to see how someone else comes up with their conclusions about religious and social issues.
6. Fresh Brewed Life - This book provides insight and thought into many areas of a woman's life. From beauty to celebrating friendships to interviewing your anger, Nicole challenges her reader to truly embrace the life they were meant to live. Instead of staying stuck in old patterns and habits, she provides practical ways to love the way God made you and find peace and hope in the broken places of our lives.
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