Friday, February 8, 2013

13.1 Training: 8 Mile Growing Pains

It's been a rocky week since my 8 mile run.  Because I want to document the road to 13.1, it's all going to show up here.  The good and the bad.  Because life's not as fabulously perfect as it appears on Facebook, Pinterest... (more on that later, and my thoughts after taking a fabulous week hiatus from social media).

The day after my 8 mile run, my feet and knees felt battered, unlike they've ever felt before.  Maybe rightfully so.  Soon after, my low back started bothering me.  I have learned enough about my body to know what's good pain and what's bad pain.  To me, these aches were telling me to rest.  No running on Sunday.  I was improved, but not perfect on Monday.  I usually aim for 3 miles on Mondays, but instead tried 2, slow and easy.  Didn't notice anything too obnoxious while running, but the knee and hip/low back soreness (feels more joint-like than muscular) flared up again soon after.

I wondered if it was because I needed new shoes.  I was fitted for them at Fleet Feet in Raleigh (highly recommend, by the way) several years ago.  I've never been a high mileage runner, usually 2-3 miles once or twice a week.  Other fitness activities filled the other days of the week.  But my gut said it was time.  I was worried about changing shoe mid-training, but the guy at the running store this week said it wasn't that big of a deal, especially since it wasn't right before the race and given that what felt the best to me was the same brand, just a new model.  He reevaluated my running in them and said it looked great.

So I tried another 2 mile run on Wednesday in new shoes.   Since then my hip/low back and knee have been unhappy again.  Sigh.  Actually, more like CRY.

I've been icing, stretching a lot, popping Advil, icing and stretching some more.  No running Thursday.  Today I just knew I shouldn't run, even though MWF are my weekday run days.  I did some upper body strength stuff at the gym.  Hip's no better.  Same hip & side of my low back that I had problems with during pregnancy with my twins.  Knee is still mildly achy, but I know it's just going to get pissed off again when I run on it.  And between now and 5 weeks from now (race day), I've got approximately 113 miles left to run.  Plus 13.1 on race day.  Sigh.

I'm going to attempt 3.1 miles tomorrow, per the training plan I'm following, which has you step back this weekend on mileage, before pushing up to 9 miles next weekend.  I have an appointment next week with a sports medicine doc a friend recommended.

So, how am I feeling?  Well, just keepin it real here.  Mad.  Frustrated.  Angry.  Jealous of all those runners, many of whom I know, that can just run and never have problems.  I'm over halfway there!  If I can't do this, I'm going to be devastated.  Because I fully KNOW in my heart, for the first time in my life, that I CAN run 13.1 miles.  I can do it without stopping.  I know I can probably even do it in under 2.5 hours, which would be my goal for my first half, even though you're not really supposed to have a goal for your first half, other than to finish.  I totally know I am capable.  And I want it so bad.  I've dreamed of it for several years.  I can taste the satisfaction of finishing that race.  But the Chicken Little in me, the one I am by nature, is screaming, "The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!"

Hoping for 13.1...

1 comment:

  1. hey i didn't know you were having all these issues? how is it going? just so you know, all those runners with seemingly no problems have more than likely been through something, or several somethings, and came out on the other end, just like you will. you just don't know their stories. i can tell you that knee problems requiring therapy and kinetic tape, newly diagnosed exercise and weather-induced asthma, and most recently a foot problem have all tried to stop me, and maybe they did for a bit, but i got back up and kept running. you can do it!
