Saturday, February 1, 2014

26.2 Done!

Until about 3 years ago, I had never run more than about 3 miles.  Seriously.  In 2010 I signed up for a 10K with Bentley (who does run btw) and literally smiled the entire race :).  Just to be out there alive and able made me giddy!  I proved to myself that I was capable of more than I thought.  

In the fall of 2012 I signed up for my first half.  Life had become complicated and I was stuck in a place and needed out.  I needed time alone to think and pray.  Running (and an amazing therapist by the name of Paula) were my solutions.  I logged many miles alone while I trained.  Only twice while training did I run with someone.  Twice when I had a long run, God literally placed Kathleen and then Tonya along my path when He knew I needed a physical body beside me.  The way He times events always amazes me.  On the actual race weekend it didn't work out for me to be away, so on the Friday before the race, I logged 13.1 miles alone in Cary.  The most I had ever run and no one was there to cheer me on, hand me water, or hold me accountable.  I realized then there was a deep transformation taking place in me.  

I no longer needed the world to accomplish the goal set before me.  Most of my life I had relied on others far too much to be my source of comfort, support, and hope.  Realizing I no longer needed to please people or even Jesus was crazy freeing.  I could just be me and others could just be themselves.  I was already enough.

What happened next always makes me smile - God crossed my path with some crazy, amazing women at church who invited me to run.  He's so cool like that.  We signed up for the Wrightsville Beach Half & trained in some below freezing temperatures.  We shared stories, laughed, stopped to de-thaw my feet (literally), prayed each other through injuries and other life happenings.  Then we ran 13.1 on a hot day in March 2013 at the beach.  I ended up with an injury a few weeks before running and it made for a difficult race.  I learned a lot of what NOT to do from that race, but nevertheless it pushed me on to the next.

I ran the Tarheel 10 miler in Chapel Hill (my second favorite place to run other that WDW) the next month.  Around this time two of my friends were signing up for the Walt Disney World Marathon for January 2014.  They both ran it in 2013 but the temperatures were unusually hot and they wanted a re-do.  I always said I would not train for a marathon until Lydia went to Kindergarten and she was starting in August.  I agreed and signed up for 26.2 miles - then thought about keeping Lydia at home with me another year - ha!

My marathon training began in September and so began another leg of the journey…..
These are some highlights from the training and race….
  • I ran on average 3 days a week 
  • I did 2 short runs and 1 longer run a week
  • Short runs were 3-4 miles and long runs increased each week
  • I ran during the week.  My long runs were on Wednesdays or Fridays.  I did not want to take time away from my family on Saturday mornings, so I ran while the girls were in school.  
  • I ran in the same shoes the first 3 months and finally bought a new pair to trade out the beginning of December
  • Capital Run / Walk in Cameron Village rocks when it comes to your running shoes
  • I never got a blister or lost a toenail during training or the race
  • I remained injury free - Praise the Lord 
  • My longest run was 20 miles and I am so thankful for Ashley running the first 4 with me and Cindy running the middle 5.5 with me
  • My hardest run was with Kasey (future sister in law and friend).  We ran from her apartment on West Morgan to the Art Museum and back.  It was hot, long, and hilly!
  • I did most of my runs alone or with Kasey.  She was training for a half in November and even came back AFTER her race to run with me in December.  Talk about a stellar future sister in law!
  • Once I ran 15 miles at Lake Pine.  I ran 7 laps and then an extra mile.  It was mainly because I wanted to prove to my brain that I don't need "interesting" to run.
  • I only ran on a treadmill twice while training.  Once on the Disney Magic Cruise ship with Bentley while watching it rain over the ocean - yea it was pretty cool!  Once at the gym for 3 miles because it was freezing and I was over being cold.
  • I tried to drink water every 2-3 miles while training and eat something on my long runs.
  • I always ate within 15 - 30 minutes after my long runs.  Helped tremendously with stomach issues.
  • Amy & Tonya (who I signed up to run with in WDW) could not have been better encouragers!  I told Amy I was nervous and she said, "You will finish 26.2 even if you have to walk" - short for - "suck it up and you will be fine."  They seriously were great & never doubted I could do it even when I had all sorts of doubts!
  • I was more nervous for this race than marrying Bentley or birthing my girls.  Maybe because those just came naturally for me and running does not - ha! 
  • Not a fan of training in December for a race, but it did keep me motivated in a month when I otherwise would probably be a slacker when it comes to running.
  • Not taking my family to race weekend was an excellent idea.  I missed them of course (very weird in Magic Kingdom without them).  But being just LeAnne and not mom and wife was really nice when you have to get up at 2:45 a.m. to race and you are TIRED after the race.
  • My stomach was my biggest worry and it felt GREAT before, during, and after the race!  I fueled well.  Walked every water stop and drank power aid and water and ate all the snacks they handed out which included 2 bananas, gu, & chocolate!  Then I ate my snack pack after the race and ate something every 1-2 hours the rest of the day.
  • I had to stop and pee twice during the race.  Men just peed along the way in the edge of the woods.  They have it way easier than women!
  • WDW puts on a good race!  The expo, pre-race, race, and post-race were tremendously well staffed and organized.  From the fireworks to the fans, it was a magical place to run!
  • Tonya & I brought clothes to the race and changed after in the bathroom and then walked around Epcot all day.  Gross maybe but it saved so much time!  We weren't even really sweaty because we poured water on us to keep us cool and the weather was GORGEOUS!!!  A true gift from God I am sure.
  • I had such a fun weekend with Tonya, Rachel, and Amy.  Rachel ran her first half, Amy and Tonya got a new PR, and I finished in under my goal time.  All in all - we did good!
  • I only listened to Christian music training and during the race.  Not because I am legalistic about music, but I wanted to continue to transform my mind.  I needed to fill my mind with TRUTH and not lies.  I cannot tell you the times lyrics (essentially scripture) has come to mind when I needed it.  Filling your mind with things above really works people!  
  • My theme verse for the race was Romans 12:2 - " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then  you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
  • Bentley kept the girls all weekend (my mom needed to be with her mom - good decision because my grandmother passed away the next weekend - we miss her dearly).  He really is an amazing dad.  Took good care of the girls and I came home to a clean house with dishes done, laundry folded and cards and signs and dinner out to celebrate.  All the crazy things I dream, he is there cheering me on and believes in me even when I want to quit.  He remains my biggest fan.  
  • Will I go next year?  There is already talk about the Dopey…  Time will tell…
  • A few pictures to re-cap the weekend...

When I hit mile 26, a guy was holding up a poster that said "You are a marathoner" and a choir was singing the Hallelujah chorus!  I almost lost it!

Me, Tonya, and Amy (after showers with our medals) on our way to celebrate with dinner in Italy.

Fireworks!  Disney goes all out!

Beautiful Skies at the Expo!

Dinner at the Polynesian in my race t-shirt.

Rachel's first Half Marathon!  We saw her around mile 8/9!  She did fantastic!

My very favorite souvenir - Cinderella running shoes!

My favorite ride (Big Thunder Mountain Railroad) - with Amy!

26.2 DONE!

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