Saturday, February 15, 2014


My friend Ashley has recently been researching recipes & "cleaning up" existing ones!  She was very gracious to share a seven page document of really good recipes with a few of her friends last week!  It's always SO much more fun when you have friends sharing recipes and eating healthy foods too!  Not only does it hold you accountable, but it increases your palette for trying new things!

I made this granola recipe on Wednesday and my kids loved it!  You can enjoy it with fruit, almond milk, yogurt (try coconut if you haven't - it's good), or just by itself!

Homemade Granola 
6 cups oats
½ C unsweetened coconut flakes
½ C chopped walnuts
½ C chopped pecans
¾ C maple syrup
¾ C honey
½ C peanut butter
2 T vanilla
1 T cinnamon

Mix ingredients together in a big bowl. Spread out mixture in a thin layer on 1 - 2 cookie sheets.  Bake at 320 degrees for 15 minutes, stir, then bake for another 10 minutes. Allow 2 hours for it to cool.  It will harden as it cools.  Store in an airtight container.

enjoy - 

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