Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Health is NOT a Competition!

Sometimes a dose of "healthy" competition is good for our family!  It's not always been this way though.  When we first got married, my husband and I would often play board games and card games together at night.  I was NOT a good loser and would literally play one more hand or one more round just so I could win!  Bentley would eventually give in to the need to sleep or just be rid of my madness, and I'd walk away happy to have claimed victory again.  (Clearly he is a very patient man!)

Then came children.  Eliza is definitely my offspring and really did NOT like losing from a very young age.  I remember reading parenting books that said "let them win" and other opinions that said "they need to accept losing sometimes."  We've done some of both and now that she's 6.5 we really try and let her compete knowing she will not always be in first place.  Lydia, our almost 4 year old, has served as a great teaching tool for Eliza.  We often have family game night at our house and I find myself telling Eliza to, "be patient as Lydia learns, help her when she doesn't know or understand something, you are her biggest cheerleader, and praise her when she wins!"  Slowly game night has become less about winning and more about quality family time full of full of laughter and silly talk.  Oh how I could have used these lessons I am teaching for most of my life.  I agree sometimes competition is healthy and good, but other times it's being on the journey together that really matters.

And so if some of you are feeling like you need someone to say they believe in you and are cheering you on, WE DO!  I feel as though often times we look at most everything in life with competitive eyes and start comparing ourselves to the person next to us on their journey.  We don't want to lose or feel left out, so we either give up trying all together, or become discouraged and feel like we will never measure up.  You must remember HEALTH IS NOT A COMPETITION!   It's a JOURNEY and each person's journey is unique to that individual!

The most important step is to BE ON THE JOURNEY.  Instead of competing with the girl next to you this week, encourage her and be her cheerleader!  Everyone can use more positive energy flowing their way!  As you begin or continue to read books, websites, blogs, and recipes, as well as, clean out your fridge, go grocery shopping, or plant a garden, take time to really pause and SMILE at the choices you are making towards a healthier you.  Each step matters and should be praised and celebrated!

Today, I met a friend for lunch and I continue to be amazed at her journey with food and health!  She is a rock star and I want her to know I am constantly learning from her as well.  I also saw a friend in Whole Foods today buying "Forks Over Knives" and you can only imagine my excitement!  I love that she is beginning to really explore the world of food and health!   I want the world (literally) to know truth and freedom in eating from the earth and be an encouragement to others on their journey towards health.

So, if you want healthy competition enter a race, or challenge your husband to some rounds of UNO one night, but keep the competition out of food.   I promise you will appreciate your journey so much more and find yourself gleaning from all the positive energy around you!

cheering you on...
leanne (& dawn)

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