Sunday, April 7, 2013

Inspirational Bits & Pieces

Just a few things I have read or listened to lately, that have really spoken to me.

The Joneses Are Overrated
I recently took a 1 week hiatus from Facebook.  An ungrateful attitude was creeping back into my life, because I was spending my days comparing my life to what I saw on Facebook.   And I was tired of it.  I expected to at least get a grip on reality and refocus on how abundantly full my life is.  It was fabulous!  I felt like I could breathe again.  My brain didn't feel so cluttered and overwhelmed.  I think the introvert side of me that is recharged by peace and quiet, is mentally stressed by the continuous stream of (mostly unnecessary) information that social networks such as these provide.  While I don't plan to hang it up completely, as it does have its benefits, life does not revolve around it anymore.  And it is quite a relief.  Love this Proverbs 31 devotional!

To continue with that theme, you must read Stop Instagramming Your Perfect Life.

Our very own Pastor Mike tackles how isolated, disconnected, and superficial we've become in our technologically savvy world.  And how we all are in desperate need of authentic relationships, in which we can safely share our messes and lives.   

Speaking Life Into Your Relationships
Fabulous message from Pastor Steven Furtick at Elevation Church in Charlotte, about the power of our words.  My favorite quote:
"God's potential in your relationships, starts with you denying yourself, crawling up on your own cross, and giving your own life.  You cannot hold onto your selfishness and fulfill God's potential for your relationships at the same time."
Wow!  Love this message because it applies to all the relationships in our lives, not just the marriage relationship.  Our words have the power to bring life or death.  Choose them wisely. 

Blessings today-

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