Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fuel Your Body Well!

We've heard many of you are hungry and still stumped on what to eat throughout the day!  I asked a clean eater winner from last October her thoughts on this topic and she said to remind you to eat every 3 hours!  We completely agree!  Think several mini-meals throughout the day.  REMEMBER THE FOODS YOU ARE FUELING YOUR BODY WITH ARE NUTRIENT RICH, SO DON'T BE AFRAID TO EAT!  Of course fruit has sugar and nuts have fat, so you want to make sure you have variety in your diet!  However, we want you to feel full!  These are some of our favorite mini-meals/snacks.  Please don't go to bed hungry!  Your body needs fuel and if you are hungry then EAT!  Just think nutrient dense foods!  Also, you MUST PREPARE!  We really cannot stress enough the importance of packing your mini-meals/snacks so you have options when you are hungry.  We encourage you to keep a basket of healthy snacks in your car or at your desk.  We even pack our mini coolers with healthy food options when we know we won't be home for most of the day.

If you need more mini-meal/snack options, try some of these.  We'd love for you to leave your own favorite option in our comments section.  We are always looking for new ideas too!

fuel your bodies well-
leanne & dawn

1.  any type of raw veggie with hummus (broccoli, grape tomatoes, snow peas, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, bell peppers...)
2.  oatmeal (yes, seriously, great snack) - even stir in 1 tbs. of nut butter for added protein
3.  sliced apples/bananas with almond/peanut butter
4.  raw nuts, unsweetened dried fruit (apricots, cherries, raisins, etc.) - portion them out in little bags to keep in your car
5.  triscuits & hummus
6.  triscuits & almond/peanut butter
7.  Ezekiel (or Great Harvest, etc.) bread toasted with almond/peanut butter & banana slices/honey
8.  roasted chickpeas
9.  kale chips
10.  LARABARS (bought or homemade)
11.  clean brown rice, quinoa, etc. cakes
12. smoothies
13.  sliced avocado with splash of white vinegar and garlic powder
14.  leftovers
15.  almond yogurt (Amande, bought at WF, we mix in Uncle Sam's Cereal or Grape Nuts as our granola)
16.  frozen grapes, frozen banana slices
17.  Goji berries trail mix (goji berries, chopped walnuts/almonds, raisins, etc.)
18.  freeze dried bananas, strawberries, peaches, etc. (at TJ, Target, etc.)
19.  fruit strips (TJ) - no sugar or additives, only ingredient is dried fruit
20. Bean Salads
21.  Cereal - Whole Foods carries several no/low (sweetened with fruit) sugar cereals.
22.  Celery with peanut butter
23.  Air popped pop corn
24.  Salsa & baked tortilla chips
25.  Tortilla w/bean salad and spinach rolled up


  1. Do you know of any clean beef jerky brands?

  2. We don't eat beef so we aren't sure of any clean brands of jerky. A quick search online might help you.
