Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fruity Coconut Quinoa Salad

LeAnne and I spent the evening at Whole Foods with some of our fellow P.O.W.E.R. girls, who are participating in the 28 day Engine 2 Challenge, based on The Engine 2 Diet (always feel the need to say NOT a diet, a healthy lifestyle change!) by Rip Esselstyn.  Phenomenal book we highly recommend, by the way, not just for its nutritional information, but for all of the delicious plant-strong recipes!  A review of that coming at a later time.  For dinner at Whole Foods, we had a yummy, cold Quinoa salad that inspired me to have some fun in the kitchen this morning. 

If you are unfamiliar with Quinoa, let me introduce you to this super food.  Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-WAH), is most commonly considered a grain, and also happens to be a Complete Protein source.  (Side note:  Did you know you do not have to eat meat to receive all the protein your body needs!)  It cooks up like rice and has a slightly crunchy texture and nutty flavor. 

Fruity Coconut Quinoa Salad
1 c. quinoa
1.5 c. water
1/4 c. pure orange juice (NOT from concentrate, make sure oranges are the only ingredient)
1/4 c. unsweetened coconut milk
3/4 c. golden raisins
1/2 c. organic unsweetened coconut
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
1 large golden delicious apple, diced and mixed with a splash of lemon juice

1 T. lemon juice
1 T. orange juice
2 T. honey

Put raisins in a small bowl and cover with very hot tap water.  Allow this to sit while the quinoa is cooking, to plump and soften the raisins.  Place quinoa, water, 1/4 cup orange juice, and coconut milk in saucepan and bring to a boil.  Reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook until all liquid is absorbed, for about 10 to 15 minutes.  When done, the quinoa will appear soft and translucent, and the germ ring will be visible along the outside edge of the grain.  If there is any remaining liquid when the quinoa is done, pour quinoa into a mesh strainer to drain.  Pour quinoa into a large mixing bowl, drain raisins and add to quinoa.  Stir and place in fridge until quinoa is cooled off.  Remove from fridge and add coconut, walnuts, and diced apple.  Toss gently to combine.  Prepare "dressing" in a small bowl with fork or whisk.  Pour over quinoa, stir and serve.  Store leftovers in refrigerator.

Happy green eats-
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