Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Love the skin you're in

We interrupt our UNregularly (just keepin it real, we're two busy moms!) scheduled blogging, to bring you a very important message from Janine McGann, owner of P.O.W.E.R., LLC, a Raleigh area personal training business that is passionate about women.  LeAnne and I both found our way to POWER in 2011 and I think it is safe to say that Janine and Jenni, along with their hearts for helping women find balance in life, have forever changed our lives.  It has not just changed the way we workout, but also our thoughts about what it means to be healthy and strong, our mothering, our families, our walks with God, and how we balance all those priorities.

February is body image month in POWER.  Join us in this body image challenge!  You can find more information at the POWER website, under the Body Image tab.  Take a few moments to watch Janine's video message, then share it with all the women in your life! 

To quote POWER:
"POWER is passionate about body image issues, self esteem, and negative self talk. February is known as body image month in POWER. Be Beautiful: Love the Skin You're In. We're inviting women everywhere to join POWER this year in our month long journey of self discovery, education, inspiration, and yes, a body image challenge. We're attaching a link that will explain it all. Please please please watch it and then share it with every woman! Let's get the S.C.R.E.W. This! movement to go viral. We look forward to a fantastic five weeks with you!"

Make today matter-

1 comment:

  1. Janine and I count it an honor and blessing to know you both! Excited about this next leg of your journey and waiting with baited breath to watch it unfold. Really have some special things coming in the direction of women this month and do hope that they hear our hearts as it is such an important message to "love the skin we are in". It's the only skin we've got!
