Sunday, February 12, 2012

S.C.R.E.W. This! Challenge, Week 2

As we enter into P.O.W.E.R.'s second week of the S.C.R.E.W. This! body image challenge, we'd like to share with you our friend & trainer, Jenni's, blog post titled Taking Thoughts Captive...

Negative mental chatter is something I have known since I was a child.  I was not even aware of how naturally it came to me.  And even up until six months ago, I would have told you that it was "just who I was", a part of my personality that was unchangeable.  Within the last year I have become aware of how strongly my thought life affects not only me, but all of the people around me.  It is draining.  I am here to tell you that I learned that I have the power to control my thought life!  It is a choice!  Just like practicing gratitude is a choice.  At first, it had to be a very intentional choice.  As in minute by minute and hour by hour, I had to remind myself that with God's power, I could choose what I filled my mind with.  There is truth to the saying that if you do anything for 21 days, it becomes a habit.  Months later, I am still Dawn, a cautious realist, but my mind isn't nearly the poison to my soul that it once was.  There is hope for you, if this is something you struggle with.  And even if it isn't, we can all use an extra dose of healthy self-talk this week. 

Today I urge you to meditate on two of my favorite scriptures, that I claimed on a daily basis as I set out to "renew my mind":

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Romans 12:2a

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Phillipians 4:8

Special Sunday blessings-

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