Sunday, February 5, 2012

S.C.R.E.W. This! Challenge, Week 1

Here's a warm Sunday hello from your two favorite plant-strong bloggers!  We had great fun today at our very unofficial "business" meeting over lunch!  If you're wondering what looks different, we aren't wearing make-up today, to kick off Week 1 of P.O.W.E.R.'s month-long body image challenge, otherwise known as the S.C.R.E.W. This! challenge.  (From the home page, click on the Body Image tab)  Yeap, no make-up for a whole week.  Fortunately, neither of us wear much make-up to begin with, but I've got to say I felt a little naked going to church this morning.  Someone told me I looked tired.  Why yes, I am, thank-you-very-much!  But I'm thinking it's the lack of eyeliner. 

Please check out the challenge, consider participating (you don't have to be local!), and spread the word.  Share it with everyone you know, boys and men included, as we are ALL in need of a new definition of beauty!  Oh, and please leave us a comment if you decide to participate!  We get bonus tickets for getting someone outside of the POWER family to participate, even if it is just for one day! 

We'll leave you today with this thought-provoking video, put together by Chris Cockerham, husband of one of our very special trainers. 

Make today matter-


  1. "For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7!!! PERFECT for this challenge!

  2. I love the ideas & the video - WAY TO GO LADIES!

  3. LeAnne get some extra tickets for me every day this week since I don't wear make up-that counts right?


  4. @ Angela - YES! I was totally going to ask you at Bible study tomorrow night!!!! HA!
